what to expect & How to participate

Each service has a process that helps us to minimize health risks and to honor others' preferences. 
Please do your part to notice and follow directions for the sake of all gathered.

Process and Practices Applicable
  • While indoors, maintain the recommended 6-ft of physical distance between yourself and members of another household.

  • Do your best to interact with others outdoors after service. Invite each other to connect outdoors.

  • Minimize movement indoors, and wear your mask while moving (if able). 

  • Seating is arranged with recommended physical distances already set, and with space for unhindered movements. Please leave chairs in the marked spaces.

  • An usher will be glad to bring you additional chairs if you need more seats for members of your household.

10:15 Service in



  • Able to Mask? Enter through the Main Entrance, and go through the main foyer into the Sanctuary. 

  • Unable to Mask? Enter through the Side Entrance, which takes you directly into the Sanctuary near the Prayer Room. (A sign in the parking lot will mark the entrance, which is near the enclosure for the dumpster.)

  • As you enter the sanctuary, pick up a Contact Card and a Communion Kit (arranged on tables as you enter).

  • A basket will be available on the table for tithes and offerings.


  • Seating is arranged with recommended physical distances already set, and with space for unhindered movements.

  • Find a seat in one of the available household seating sets (a cluster of 3 or 4 chairs). 

  • An usher will be glad to bring you additional chairs if you need more seats for members of your household.

  • Unable to Mask? Sit in the section of the sanctuary near the Prayer Room and on the same side of sanctuary as the Tech Booth and the Piano. 


  • Seated and listening? You may remove your mask. 

  • Standing, speaking, or singing? Please wear your mask.

  • Unable to mask? Refrain from singing to minimize germ-spread risks connected with unmasked singing.

Sharing Peace:

  • Wear your mask when sharing the peace. 

  • Limit your movements to others nearby your household seating set.

  • Share the peace using a touchless form (peace-sign, simple-bow) that minimizes risk. Learn more about the why and how in the Question and Response page.

During Announcements:

  • Fill out a Contact Card: at least one card with names of all seated with you. Read more about why this is important in the Question and Response page.
  • Open your Communion Kit: place the wafer, cup, and seals on the small plate provided. 

Receiving Communion:

  • Remaining seated, consume the sacrament at the same time the priest does. This will be after the Breaking of the Bread and the Prayer for Spiritual Communion.

  • You are welcome to join in the singing once your mask is in place. 


  • After the Sending, put your mask on and exit through the same doors you entered. 

  • Drop your contact card in the basket on your way out.

  • Dispose of your communion plate and packaging on your way out.